Social Sharing Buttons

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The Social Sharing Buttons options group in the theme's options page. In the screenshot above, an example code has been inserted.
The screenshot above shows the social sharing buttons being displayed at the bottom of a post.

This options group allows you to add social sharing button at the bottom of each posts and pages.

Options list

Show social sharing button
Enabling this option will cause the theme to output the social sharing code you've entered, hence displaying the social sharing buttons.
Show in Pages as well?
By default, the theme only shows the social sharing buttons in posts, and not pages. This is because pages are generally considered to be static content that serve to provide static information rather than provide opinions, reviews, etc. Enable this option to show the social sharing buttons on pages as well as posts.
Show in home and archive pages
Display the social sharing buttons on posts listing pages, like the home page and archive pages.
Note: by default, social sharing buttons use the current page's URL as the URL to be shared. To have the social sharing buttons use the URL for each post, make social sharing button service's API. If you're using AddThis, see the AddThis Client API.
Social sharing buttons location
Choose where to show your social sharing buttons.
Note: This option affects both posts and pages.
Your social sharing button code
Insert your social sharing code in this option. You can get your own code from sites such as AddThis or ShareThis.
Some social sharing services' API (e.g. AddThis) allow you to explicitly define the URL, title, and description to be shared. If you're using one such service, you can use these tags inside your social sharing code: [#post-url], [#post-title], [#post-excerpt]. The theme will then replace the tags with the URL, title, and excerpts of the post or page where the social sharing buttons is displayed.